The MISSION project is structured into six work packages listed below.
Participating organisations: USAAR / RWTH / UNC / GOM / ASC / IISG
The central focus of this work package is on harvesting state-of-the-art methods from model-checking, automated planning and optimisation for an effective resource modelling and evaluation framework, tailored to the needs of the New Space context. This will be paired with bidirectional knowledge transfer and training campaigns regarding (a) industry requirements and (b) the usage and customisation options of the framework.
Participating organisations: RWTH / UT / UNC / UNRC / D3TN / INVAP / IIS
The main goals of this work package are (a) to develop advanced and efficient techniques for the automated analysis and synthesis of safety and dependability aspects and (b) to provide training on how to use the outcomes, in particular the effective usage of analysis and synthesis software tools, in an industrial context.
Participating organisations: D3TN / UT / UNC / UNRC / GOM
The main goal of this work package is to develop models and algorithms for advanced space data link and networking technology. The focus is on networked constellations comprised of very large numbers of unreliable (COTS-based) small satellites with space-to-space and space-to-ground communication links.
Participating organisations: UT / USAAR / UNC / ASC / INVAP / IISG
The models and techniques developed in WP1 through WP3 address specific problems of New Space applications, and are focused on specific hardware and software components (e.g. routing protocols or COTS processors). The objective of this work package is to ensure that all models and techniques developed in the project remain semantically compatible and easy to integrate into system-level models representing an entire space mission.
Participating organisations: All
The knowledge sharing and dissemination objectives of the MISSION project are collected in this work package.
Participating organisations: All
This work package is concerned with the management of MISSION aiming at successful coordination and orchestration of all project activities.